
    Currently, the bottleneck of proteomics research has shifted from the output of the experimental data to the in-depth analysis of the huge amount data. The development of large-scale, high-throughput and automated mass spectrometry data analysis platforms to process, storage, manage and share the mass spectrometer data resources has become one of the most hot topics.

    Herein, we build a system called Proteome View for mass spectrometry data analysis, management and display. The proteomics pipeline is designed to:
1. Carry out an automated, comprehensive, standardized analysis of proteomics data through all its various stages;
2. Capture and store the information needed to fully describe the results, how they were obtained, validate their significance, and permit the analysis to be repeated if necessary.

All Projects

Project Title Project Tag Description Institution Contributors Contact information Reference
Fetal Liver Proteome Fetal Liver A dataset of human fetal liver proteome identified by subcellular fractionation and multiple protein separation and identification technology. BIRM Prof. Xiaohong Qian; Prof. Ying Jiang; Ying W, Jiang Y, Guo L. et al., A dataset of human fetal liver proteome identified by subcellular fractionation and multiple protein separation and identification technology. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2006
French Liver Proteome French Liver A dataset of French fetal liver proteome BIRM BGI Fudan SIBS Prof. Xiaohong Qian; Prof. Ying Jiang; Prof. Siqi Liu; Prof. Pengyuan Yang; Prof. Rong Zeng;;;
Chinese Adult Liver Proteome Chinese Adult Liver A proteome profile dataset of the human adult liver BIRM BGI Fudan SIBS Prof. Xiaohong Qian; Prof. Ying Jiang; Prof. Siqi Liu; Prof. Pengyuan Yang;Prof. Rong Zeng;;; Chinese Human Liver Proteome Profiling Consortium. First insight into the human liver proteome from PROTEOME(SKY)-LIVER(Hu) 1.0, a publicly available database. J Proteome Res. 2010, 9, 79-94.
Human Liver Organelle Proteome Human Liver Organelle Proteome profiles of six human liver organelles BIRM Prof. Xiaohong Qian; Prof. Ying Jiang;
Human Liver cancer cell line Proteome Liver cancer cell line Proteome profiles of eight human liver cancer cell lines Fudan Prof. Pengyuan Yang
Human Liver phosphoproteome Human Liver Phosphoproteome analysis of human liver tissue by long-gradient nanoflow LC coupled with multiple stage MS analysis. Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics Prof. Mingling Ye Han G, Ye M, Liu H. et al., Phosphoproteome analysis of human liver tissue by long-gradient nanoflow LC coupled with multiple stage MS analysis. Electrophoresis 2010, 31, 1080
Human Colon Tissue Proteome Human Colon Tissue A proteome profile dataset of the human colon tissue (cancer and normal) BPRC Prof. Xiaohong Qian; Prof.Ping Xu;
Human Colon cell lines Proteome Human Colon cell lines A proteome profile dataset of the human colon cancer cell lines (SW480 and HCT116) Fudan Prof. Pengyuan Yang
Human gastric tissue Proteome Human gastric tissue A proteome profile dataset of the human gastric tissue (cancer and normal) JINan University Prof. Qingyu He
Human gastric cell lines Proteome Human gastric cell lines A proteome profile dataset of the human gastric cancer cell lines (AGS, BGC823 and Sgc-7901) BGI Prof. Siqi Liu
Fast-sequencing proteome platform HeLa Application of 12-hour Fast-seq strategy on HeLa deep proteome coverage BPRC Prof. Xiaohong Qian; Prof. Jun Qin; A Fast Workflow of covering and quantifying mammalian proteome at the depth of 8,000 gene products
Fast-sequencing proteome platform HUVEC DMSO and MLN BPRC Prof. Xiaohong Qian; Prof. Jun Qin; A Fast Workflow of covering and quantifying mammalian proteome at the depth of 8,000 gene products
Chinese Human Chromosome Proteome 2013 CCPD 2013 Human liver cancer celline Chinese Human Chromosome Proteome Consortium Prof. Ping Xu; Prof. Xiaohong Qian; Prof. Pengyuan Yang; Prof. Siqi Liu; Prof. Qingyu He;;;; Proteome profiling of three hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cell lines: Hep3B, 97H and LM3

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